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melting temperature of lead

The melting temperature of a metal is the temperature at which it begins to melt. Depending on the material, it can be extremely hot – think about the fact that the air in a standard UK oven is usually around 32degC and lead needs to be heated to ten times that temperature to begin melting!

As a result, lead has one of the lowest melting temperatures of any metal. However, it’s also soft and malleable and has a number of important uses in industry, such as batteries, lead wire in electrical wiring, and in water pipes. It is a poisonous metal, so it must be handled with care and only in professional laboratories.

Melting point analysis is a common method of determining the temperature at which solid crystalline materials start to melt. It is an essential tool for research and development, quality control, and many other applications. Westlab provides high-quality laboratory equipment to a wide range of industries, including melting point apparatus to aid in this analytical process.

Ensure that the sample is tightly packed in the capillary tube (Figure 6.10 b). A small amount of liquid may leak out during heating, so it’s recommended that this be kept to a minimum. Place the capillary tube in the melting point apparatus and select a suitable heating rate. For a non-decomposing or volatile sample, use 1 degC/min, for substances that can decompose or sublimate, 5 degC/min, and for exploratory samples 10 degC/min.